While I'm appreciative of the warmer temperatures and overall pleasant weather, one thing I do not look forward to every spring is the return of my allergies. I knew it was time to hit the antihistamine counter at the grocery store a month or so ago, when I woke up with red, itchy eyes, a clogged nose and nonstop sneezing. A quick visit online earlier this week served as concrete scientific evidence of the war I wage every day within my sinuses:
I developed allergies sometime in my mid-twenties, about a year after I became lactose-intolerant (a topic which could serve as the subject for its own post entirely). After going a couple of decades allergy-free, I never really thought I'd get allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, which is what happens when
... your immune system views harmless inhaled pollen or other allergens as dangerous substances invading your body. Your system overreacts, flooding your bloodstream with chemicals like histamine and leukotrienes, which inflame the lining of your nasal passages, your sinuses and eyelids, and also set in motion other symptoms associated with hay fever, such as sneezing.Yay for me.
My allergies usually last a few months, well into the summer. They seem to have been aggravated over the past couple of years that I've been in the Midwest, though. So hopefully they'll subside in duration and/or intensity after I relocate back to the West Coast. But for now I'm just glad this is one immune disorder with a simple, quick fix.
Time to pop another pill. Antihistamines FTW!
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