04 October 2010

Respect Mine.

It won't be too long before I'm back in the studio. The need to create new songs is way too strong to ignore, so I'll appease that craving by filling up more pages in the rhyme book. Granted I'm a little rusty having been away from the game for quite a while, but I'm not too worried about the output. I just need to remember to keep producing quality bars that exceed my own expectations about the song-writing craft.

I was browsing photography blogs for inspiration and happened upon this one, which offered a relevant quote about quality and talent:
Talent is not when your friends tell you they love your work, but when people who don't like you have to admit it's good.
I love winning over non-believers, if not by them becoming actual fans of our music, the at least by their respect for what we do. But as we all know and have unfortunately experienced:

mm hmm

Here's to some productive sessions in the booth in the upcoming weeks.

BTW, J-Pros is now on Twitter. Click that Follow button, people!

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