17 August 2010

Random Tuesday Morning Video Bonanza.

Because I woke up and went to work an hour early yesterday, destroyed a few plates of half-price sushi at Ra, downed a couple glasses of Kirin, and ended up passing out for two hours after I got home, I kinda just feel like posting some eye candy this morning instead of, you know, actually writing anything. Push play and enjoy.

A catchy and melodic track by The Hundred In The Hands. It doesn't hurt that Eleanore Everdell has such a sweetly resonant voice. Pair the track with some refreshingly high-contrast visuals and you've got a slick, engaging video.

Stop-motion macro photography (think Robot Chicken) set to a jazzy, rolling groove. I especially like how all the little details added realism to the scene, from small pieces of litter blowing around in the street to the parallel-parking cars.

Like the retro-ish atmosphere, simple scenes of nature and poignant piano score in this short film, languages are beautiful.

Hopefully these videos give you a little boost to your day! As for me, I think a Red Bull might do the trick. *burp*

Side note: Damn, August is halfway over already?!

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